Updated publication – Client Guide – Planning Minor Roof work
The ACR is pleased to announce the publication of the following revised Information sheets

A3 – July 2015 Article by Ralph N Bennett NFRC on CDM 2015
CDM Regulations 2015 The new CDM Regulations, released on April 6th, 2015, have been the subject of much debate...

A2- What is the point of a non fragile roof
an article written by Chris Pearce and published in Trade Magazines in April/May 2014

PR4 – ACR announces publication of the revised Green Book
New Guidance Document for Safe Working on Fragile Roofs The Advisory Committee for Roofwork (ACR) are pleased to announce...

PR3 – ACR announces publication of the revised Red Book [3rd edition]
Revised edition of the Test for Non-Fragility of Roofing Assemblies The Advisory Committee for Roofwork (ACR) are pleased to...

A1 – HSE Summit Article
an article about the formation and work of the ACR written specifically to contribute to the HSE Summit...

PR2 – ACR response to article
PR2 – ACR response to article “Fragile roofs – Problems & Potential solutions “ by Dr Satish Desai Structural...

PR1 – ACR announces appointment of new chairman
ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ROOFWORK (ACR) The Advisory Committee for Roofwork (ACR), which deals with numerous roof safety issues on...