The following publications have been published or are in the process of being published by the Advisory Committee for Roofsafety. Copies of all ACR publications are free and can be downloaded from the relevant publication page – see download link at the bottom of each page – Hard copies of publications are no longer available.
Material Standards
Good Practice Guides
Information Sheets
Please note: The latest information about new or revised publication dates can be found on the ACR news page. Elements of the published guidance contained in the documents may go further than the minimum needed to comply with health and safety law.
CDM 2015 Update: All the ACR publications are currently being reviewed and updated to reflect the changes in CDM Legislation which came into force on the 6th April 2015. Until individual publications are updated any reference to CDM within existing documents should be interpreted as meaning the latest version of CDM and any reference to CDM Coordinator should be read as Prinicpal Designer.