IS4 – BSEN795

Information sheet 4

BS EN 795 and the 89/686/EEC Directive

ACR Information Sheet No 4 – Revision 3

ACR Information sheet No 4 Rev1 provided updated information in regard to the current issues and debate surrounding the relationship between BS EN 795 and the European PPE Directive 89/686/EEC. An annexe was enclosed that provided a detailed paper from the ESF of a possible way forward to resolve the current debate.

Rev 2 : Many seem confused with regards to testing to EN 795 1996 and 2012 as well as the requirement to CE marking generally. Rev2 now provides summary points that may assist readers understanding the requirements

Rev3 : This is an update of the current position as of January 2016 following the publication of EN 795: 2012 in the Official Journal (December 2015) of the EU harmonising types B and E equipment.

Information sheet No 4 – 1st published 12/05/2012

Rev 1 published 31/05/2014

Rev 2 published 16/06/2015

Rev 3 published 17/02/2016

Download Information Sheet no 4 rev 3 PDF (1mb)