The Black Book
Guidance Note for Competence and General Fitness Requirements to Work on Roofs
ACR Best Practice Guide
ACR[CP]005:2016 (Third edition)
How to Determine Competence and General Fitness of Roof Workers
Working on a roof can be an extremely hazardous activity. Even a basic inspection requires adequate knowledge and understanding of the hazards and issues involved. This is underpinned by the Health and Safety Executive’s accident statistics which show that many of the accidents happened because the people carrying out the work or the inspection were not trained or competent to do so. Consequently, the work was carried out without the necessary planning or management and, often, without suitable equipment.
Working on or simply inspecting, any roof requires physical exertion, good balance and mobility. This, coupled with working at height, is exacerbated by some clients or employers who may have had no guidance on how to commission safe work on roofs or select appropriate employees.
Using a competent workforce that has the appropriate level of fitness is vital in ensuring roof work safety.
This guide provides advice on what constitutes competency to organise and plan, manage and supervise work on roofs. In addition, it gives very general advice on the legal duties for the commissioners of, and clients for, roof work.
1st published: 01/10/07
Second edition was published 03/10/08
Third edition was published 20/08/2016