The Blue Book

The Blue Book
Use of nets

ACR Best Practice Guide

ACR[CP]003:2016 Rev 2
Recommended Practice for use of safety nets for roofwork

One of the main causes of deaths and injuries at work each year is falling from height, particularly through or from roofs.
To ensure safety during roofwork requires the commitment of all those involved in the procurement process. One of the ways of collectively protecting roof workers from falling through roofs is the use of correctly installed safety nets, closely slung under the work area.

This publication aims to give advice on how this can be achieved and compliments BS 8411:2007 Code of Practice for Safety Nets on Construction Sites and other Works, by addressing:

  • The selection of safety nets to be used;
  • Recommendations for their installation; and
  • The competence of workers installing them;

It gives practical advice on the duties placed on clients, designers, CDM co-ordinators, contractors, and manufacturers and includes recommendations for good practice when using safety netting during the construction of new and the refurbishment of existing roofs.

Although concentrating on use with profiled roofs, those engaged in other similar activities would benefit from the advice given, as many of the principles equally apply to net use on other structures and roof forms.

1st published: 01/10/07
Rev1 was published 03/10/08
Rev2 was published 20/08/2016

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