Revised ACR publications – The Magenta Books Parts 1 and 2
The ACR Committee is pleased to announce the publication of ACR[CP]007: 2015 Rev2 – (Part 1) Best Practice for the use of Horizontal Safety Lines in Roofwork and ACR[M]002:2015 Rev2 – (Part2) Testing of Roof Anchors on Roof Systems – the Magenta books
Where the use of collective protection is not possible on roofs, personal protection equipment must be used.
Many of these rely on horizontal safety lines fixed, using top fix anchors, to the roof sheeting rather than through them to the roof support structure.
Part 1 of this Best Practice Guide addresses these issues and gives practical advice on what the ACR considers is ‘current best practice’ for the design, installation; commissioning, operation, use and maintenance of horizontal safety lines and single point anchors fixed or supported by ‘top fix’ brackets.
Whilst it primarily concentrates on profiled roofs, those engaged in other similar activities can also benefit from the advice given, as many of the principles do apply and offer good practice.
Part 2 is a material standard which addresses the performance issues and gives practical advice on what the ACR considers is ‘current best practice’ for the testing of Roof Anchors on Roof Systems.
Both Magenta Books have been reviewed and updated to take account of EN 795 2012 Personal fall protection equipment – Anchor devices and CEN TC 16415 2013 Personal fall protection equipment – Anchor devices – Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously.
Additionally both publication have also been reviewed and updated to reflect CDM 2015 latest requirements.
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