
Revised ACR publication – The Purple Book

The ACR Committee is pleased to announce the publication of ACR[CP]006:2015 Rev3 – Practical methods of providing edge protection for working on roofs – ( The Purple Book)

It is against the law for people to work unprotected close to an edge off which they can fall a distance that will cause injury or harm.

Consequently, people working on roofs must be protected from falling from any exposed edge. Similarly, those who install the selected protection must also be protected from falling.

This Good Practice Guide has been drawn up to provide information on practical methods that can be used to prevent workers on roofs falling off an exposed edge.

The edge protection systems dealt with in this guide are, at the time of writing, generally available and considered good practice when constructed correctly and erected safely. They can be erected using readily available components.

This revision only contains minor reference corrections and picture format error corrections .
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