CONIAC Safety Steps Guidance Available
Safety Steps is a series of documents that can be used freely – in whole or part – to...
Updated publication – ACR Green Book
The ACR is pleased to announce the publication of its revised document
Requirements for inspection fall protection PPE
The Work at Height Regulations requires a personal fall protection system to be of sufficient strength for the purpose...
Updated ACR publication – ACR Information sheet number 1 rev1 and Number 2 rev3
The ACR is pleased to announce the publication of the following revised Information sheets : Information sheets Number 1...
Helping Great Britain Work Well
The Advisory Committee for Roofsafety is a body dedicated to making working on roofs safer. It was founded in...
Help GB Work Well Campaign
The ACR was addressed by Peter Baker HSEs Chief Inspector of Construction, at the meeting held on the 28th...
Correction to Revised ACR publication ( Blue Book)
There was an error in the recently released revision of the Blue Book . The title of the document...
Revised ACR publications
The ACR committee is pleased to announce the publication of the following revised documenets ACR[CP]001:2016 Rev 5 Recommended Practice for...
Revised ACR publication – ACR Information sheet number 4 rev3
The ACR is pleased to announce the publication of it’s revised Information Sheet No 4 The original Information sheet...
Revised ACR publications – The Magenta Books Parts 1 and 2
The ACR Committee is pleased to announce the publication of ACR[CP]007: 2015 Rev2 – (Part 1) Best Practice for...